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Student Focus Group - Responses

In Semester 2, we met with our two Grade 11 student focus groups to help bridge this feeling of being disconnected from the school community.  We talked to the students and listened to what they had to say.  Students were very honest and recommended some things that staff could do to help them feel more welcome.  Here are some sample responses that students provided for some of the questions.
When asked, "What could school staff do to help make students feel they belong?" the students provided valuable insights. They suggested that staff could become more approachable, engage in informal interactions, and show genuine interest in students' lives beyond academics. Additionally, they emphasized the need for inclusive activities and events that cater to a wide range of interests and backgrounds, which could help foster a stronger sense of community within the school.

We also inquired, "What makes you happy?" to understand what brings joy to the students. The responses varied widely, ranging from good grades to sports involvement. However, many students highlighted friendship and feeling connected to others as their main sources of happiness.

Lastly, we tackled the central issue by asking, "What makes you feel disconnected from school?" Students pointed out several issues, including a lack of communication, feeling unheard by teachers, and a perceived lack of support for their interests and concerns. 

By addressing these concerns, we aim to bridge the gap between students and staff, creating a more cohesive and supportive school community that ensures every student feels valued and connected. We plan to share these findings with our staff in September and gather their feedback. This collaborative approach will help us all work towards the common goal of ensuring that every student feels welcomed and connected to our school community.

Updated: Tuesday, July 2, 2024