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Student Focus Group

Last year, our Grade 10 students reported feeling disconnected from the school and its staff, a concern that stood out starkly against the more positive sentiments expressed by our Grade 8 and Grade 12 students. This sense of isolation was concerning, as it could negatively impact their academic performance, mental health, and overall engagement with the school community. The survey results highlighted a specific disconnection within the Grade 10 cohort, prompting us to investigate further to understand the reasons behind this feeling and find ways to bridge the gap. To address this issue, we organized focus group sessions this year with two groups of these students, now in Grade 11. Our goal was to delve into their experiences and foster open, honest conversations that could shed light on their concerns and guide us toward effective solutions.

These focus group meetings were carefully planned and conducted after school, each lasting two hours. We aimed to create an environment conducive to open and candid discussions. To ensure a diverse range of perspectives, we included a variety of students, not just those who excel academically. We sought representation from athletes, neurodiverse learners, and students passionate about the arts, reflecting the diverse makeup of our student body. Emphasizing confidentiality, we encouraged students to share their thoughts freely, knowing their input was valued and would remain private.

The discussions revolved around improving student connections in the school.  Some of the questions included,

1) What could school staff at school do to help make students feel they belong?
2) What makes you happy?
3) What makes you feel disconnected from school?

Updated: Tuesday, July 2, 2024