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Increasing Student Voice -Survey Result

At Cambie Secondary School, we recognize the power of data in guiding our decision-making processes to enhance student learning and overall school performance. Last year, our participation rate in the annual student surveys was lower than desired, limiting our ability to gain comprehensive insights into the student experience. Acknowledging this gap, we made it our priority this year to increase participation rates. Through various initiatives, such as enhanced communication about the importance of the surveys and providing more convenient opportunities for students to complete them, we successfully boosted our response rate. This increased participation has provided us with richer, more representative data to inform our strategies and actions.

Reviewing our school's results, we're pleased to highlight several positive trends. In Grade 10, we've observed an upward trend in students' sense of belonging and their understanding of student assessment. Since 2021/2022, our school has seen increases from 45% to 53% in the sense of belonging and from 59% to 65% in student assessment. These results indicate that students feel more welcomed, and there's effective communication between teachers and students regarding assessment criteria. Moreover, this year, we are aligned with the district's average in these areas.

Gr 10

Looking at our Grade 12 results, at Cambie reported a strong positive trend upwards in having ownership of their learning.  In 2021/2022 we see only 45% positive response rate, and in 2023/24, this number has grown to 53%.  Comparing this with the district, Cambie is trending above the district’s result.

Gr 12


Moving forward, we recognize the need for further development in the area of student health awareness. Our survey results indicate that our efforts in helping students cope with their mental and physical health lag behind those of the district.

Cambie's Result:                         





To address this, we plan to enhance health education integration within our Physical and Health Education (PHE) classes, promote more physical activity during non-class time, educate parents and guardians, and focus on health during our Conference Day discussions. These initiatives aim to improve students' awareness and support their overall well-being.



Updated: Tuesday, July 2, 2024