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Improving Physical and Mental Health

Next school year, one of our goals will be to address the gap identified in our Grade 10 and 12 student satisfaction survey concerning health education. While our overall survey results align closely with the district, we noted a 10% lag in student satisfaction regarding learning about mental and physical health. Recognizing the importance of this area, we are committed to enhancing our health education initiatives to serve our students' needs better.

One of our primary strategies involves collaborating with our Physical Health Education (PHE) department. By sharing the survey data with our PHE teachers, we aim to find innovative ways to integrate comprehensive physical and mental health topics into their curriculum. This approach will ensure that health education is more prominent and engaging, helping students understand the importance of maintaining both physical and mental well-being.

In addition to the efforts within the PHE department, we have initiated a collaborative planning and design process as a result of the April 25 district workshop. A dedicated team consisting of a counsellor, a PHE teacher, and a Career teacher has begun to work collaboratively to enhance student experience around physical and mental health.  Their inquiry is driven by the question, "How might we design linked learning experiences that provide students with opportunities to discuss and grow strategies as well as utilize tools for making informed decisions while managing their physical, mental, and emotional care?" This team will create lessons and work collaboratively to address physical and mental health in our school. We also plan to ask students for more feedback next year regarding their experiences, which will help shape future lessons.

By embedding health education into our curriculum, we can ensure that all students receive valuable information and practical strategies for managing their health. This comprehensive approach will create a more holistic learning experience, emphasizing the importance of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through these combined efforts, we aim to close the gap in our health education and foster a healthier school community.

Updated: Wednesday, July 3, 2024