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Excited, motivated, and engaged in the learning process

“The highest form of knowledge… is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and understand the existence of another. It requires profound purpose larger than the self-kind of understanding.”

At Cambie, scan our students to try to identify students’ beliefs, emotions and experiences...both positive and negative. We use this knowledge to connect emotionally with them, to teach them, guide them and to inform our practice. It takes empathy to know when it is appropriate and in which way to help, to teach and to mentor. Sometimes empathising is the only way to get someone to expose their vulnerabilities, so that they can grow and learn. Acquiring knowledge through empathy is an educational cornerstone at Cambie


  1. Think about a learning experience at Cambie this year when you felt excited, motivated, and engaged.  What is it about this learning experience that made you feel this way? 
  • French concert.  The singer signed our ticket and we got to meet a famous person.  It was cool that he was so fit for a 50 year old.
  • French concert because we enjoyed songs and it was exciting.  An artist actually came to our school!
  • Tech Ed class with Mr. Hoffman because when you’re done your work you get to play computer games. The workshop was fun because I like to create things from nothing
  • Woodworking – instead of writing for the whole class, you get to do something with your hands
  • Drama because we do skits that let your creativity flow and there is no homework.
  • Drama – whole class play; have seen others do it and it seemed fun; part of a bigger thing as a group
  • Band because it allows you to be flexible with your creativity
  • Playing volleyball – almost came 3rd, almost undefeated
  • In Eng, wrote short stories, fun because I like to write; learned how to write better
  • Writing about a book in English because I enjoyed writing about something that I got to pick what to write about.
  • Started a play in drama with the whole class – it was fun
  • Ms. Ibbott’s class – doing experiments, labs with explosions! Getting to experience something first head
  • Psychology- learning about stress- relatable topic
  • Art- Bonsai tree- fun to make
  • Law- learning about human rights- interesting
  • Learning about learning- psychology- take knowledge and look at things differently
  • Criminal Law and Human Rights- helps me know my place and my rights as an individual
  • Thermal Energy in Physics- so present in our everyday lives but don’t understand it until you learn about it
  • A basketball game – all ready to go, knew we could win the game, had confidence, felt ready
  • Basketball – all come together as a school and get excited, it’s fun, motivated to get better, helps me reach out to other people and communicate
  • PE field trip to go karting and ice skating.  We got to leave and go outside of school and it was more active.
  • Project in math about budgeting for a trip.  It is fun because my partner and I get to research what to do and what to experience. 
  • Making food is fun because you can eat it after.  Lab days are more fun than portal days.  Lab days are fun because you can try making something.  You either succeed or fail, but it’s fun because we experience cooking. 
  • When we made an art piece for open house because it was interesting since it was a big piece.  We had to think of ways to improve it to make it look nice in real form compared to on paper.
  • When we did short stories in English because we were allowed to be creative where your mind can expand
  • Learning in science where power comes from because I didn’t know where electricity really came from.
  • Doing a big project with another class.  We made a replication of a Japanese city.  We got to choose how to design and materials to do it. 
  • We did a major project in computer class that related to special effects.  We were allowed to do it on anything that’s related to special effects.
  • It was exciting to understand and learn about taxes with Mr. Hamm because I got it. 
  • Fitness class.  Teacher gave feedback to stay fit because it’s important in real life
  • Debates in socials class because it was fun and it was a different ways of learning because we didn’t have to sit down.  Found new ways to deliver the information.
  • Learning how to throw a javelin in PE because it looks cool on TV and to see if I can do it in real life.
  • Designing Cambie merchandise.  It was cool because you can design something that everyone in the school and see and enjoy
  • Made a comic book in biology about photosynthesis.  Got to know group members and doing things differently.
  • Science project on diseases to see what really happens in real life
  • Went to see a musical and met the actors because I really like musicals and it was cool to see one in real life.
  • Learned how to play rugby because I didn’t do it before and now I’m on a rugby team.
  • Doing a political debate in socials because I got the experience of what happens during a political debate
  • English – Fan fiction (getting to do their own thing, show creativity)
  • Art – self-directed project (still to come)
  • Photo shoot – getting to work with different equipment that they haven’t gotten to use before
  • English – visual essay; lets them give their own opinions on the story
  • Band class – getting to learn different instruments
  • Physics – Mr Cheung’s personality (funny and outgoing, likes to engage with students)
  • Mandarin – Friendly class, fun to learn a different language
  • Socials – learning about climate change with Mr Beland (flexible about deadlines, very ‘chill’)
  • Bio – I like bio, I feel engaged because the teacher is approachable – she doesn’t make me feel afraid to speak
  • Photo – teacher jokes around and is very interesting; done in a way that people aren’t falling asleep; introduction of new projects; loud voice
  • Mandarin – singing project; whole class was really involved; motivated each other
  • WW – when we get stuck, teacher helps us get over struggles, learn together
  • Bio – makes sure students are interested; breaks to stretch/go for a walk
  • Photo – intro new projects, teacher is enthusiastic and keeps people engaged; very open to helping students out with problems
  • Band – teacher helps me how to improve, constant ongoing feedback
  • Psychology- learning about stress- relatable topic
  • Art- Bonsai tree- fun to make
  • Learning about learning- psychology- take knowledge and look at things differently


  • Criminal Law and Human Rights- helps me know my place and my rights as an individual
  • Art class teacher – exposes new techniques to students and makes me feel like a better artist.
  • Start of year – different from usual in SS where students chose what topics to cover.  This meant actually caring about what we were learning, instead of being told what to learn.
  • Art teacher allowed me to challenge myself with what I’m interested in.  This made me feel empowered to choose what is useful to me.
  • Teacher asked class what we wanted to work on or what field we were interested in.  Then, built lessons around this feedback.
  • SS: slaves lesson and did a simulation by getting up, role playing, talking with each other.  It was fun and easier to learn.
  • Mandarin: Trip to Aberdeen/Yaohan Mall.  Actually, IN the culture and the environment.
  • We for She in Vancouver: Motivational guest speakers.  Environment was very positive and encouraging
  • Business: Surveys.  We get to interact with other people and see other people’s opinions which is always entertaining
  • French Concert: FUN way to learn different songs.  And it ended up helping us study for some our course content.
  • Human Library: Interesting and got to talk to people in fields that I am interested in.   With the chance to ask Qs.
  • Planning an event (Wake-a-thon) where the benefit was to see help going toward an organization that needs help or that I am passionate about.
  • Volunteering at Family Fun night – because we get to work with little kids.
  • Wake-a-thon as this was an event that we stayed after hours and with our friends
  • Cambie Classic as playing in front of our fans in.
  • Biology project was fun as we worked on a project with our friends and had a chance to educate our peers.
  • Gr. 7 day – helping kids transition to high school while trying to foster their excitement and anxiety
  • Planning a field trip – engaged with the process, planning and then seeing the end product that was student enjoyment.
  • Yearbook class – physically enjoy taking pictures and knowing that some of my pictures will end up in the yearbook.


  1. One of the goals we are working towards is enabling students to take more responsibility for their learning. This year we have introduced Personal Learning Time as one way of meeting this goal.
    1. How have you used Personal Learning Time to support your learning? Please give specific examples.
  • Like the freedom to choose what to work on that it is self-directed.
  • PLT is a good way to get homework done especially if after school time is booked with work, sports, clubs, etc.
  • Best part is we can actually go to teacher that we need help from, missed a math test and could go during PLT rather than lunch (too short for a test)
  • Finishing group projects with group members (x8)
  • Group projects: extra time to meet up with groups because it’s hard to meet up outside of school time
  • Use to work on projects that are a little bit away; lets me get ahead
  • Really good time; can work on projects when due dates are coming fast, extra time to work on them
  • Haven’t used it well; sometimes just work on projects that are due; don’t always make good choices
  • Going to specific classes to get extra help in that subject area (x4)
  • Doing the homework that I couldn’t do at home
  • Yes- I do my homework and don’t get overwhelmed
  • Used in law to work on projects.  Give me more time to finish it
  • Catch up on missed work (x14)
  • New student at Cambie – came late, gave me time to get caught up; write retests
  • Homework, can take a break on Wednesday evening; know I have dedicated time to work hard and get things done
  • Take time to write out all things that are due in upcoming weeks/month.  Use my agenda to plan out my time of school things and outside school things.
  • Catch up on stuff when you miss school.  Missed school a few days ago and used PLT to make up science test today.
  • Yes- I do my homework and don’t get overwhelmed
  • Finish homework, extra learning time with teachers, go to teacher and ask for help before a test (x11)
  • Finished homework so we don’t stay up late at home (x3)
  • Most teachers want us to come in during PLT, homework and extra help
  • If I have too much homework, I’ll try to finish the homework in that PLT block
  • Go to home ec. to work on sewing skills because I’m not very good at it
  • Taking retest (x7)
  • Re-quizzes, ask questions, get help – teachers are busy during class time and it’s hard to get help
  • Reading
  • Gives us time to study for tests and homework – no hw during weekend
  • Didn’t have time to study; used PLT to study for a test (x4)
  • If done all homework, can go to gym and get free time
  • Extra time to finish a test
  • No- I don’t find that there is much to do and the day feels way too long
  • Somewhat- sometimes I do homework; sometimes I skip and play games
  • No- completely useless- messes up the entire schedule; makes Thursday the worst day of the weekYes- homework, assignments and tests- I catch up and get ahead (x2)
  • Help to improve assignments.  Instead of doing the minimum, I used the extra time to work on the assignments more
  • Practice and prepared for in class English essay that took place later in the day


    1. How can we change and improve the current model for PLT to better support you in your learning?


  • Move PLT to after 2nd period and after recess because it feels very long
  • Fix the schedule so is too long
  • It makes for a long day.  Explore how to fix this?
  • Maybe tweak the schedule to have 2 10-minutes breaks
  • No- completely useless- messes up the entire schedule; makes Thursday the worst day of the week
  • Go back to last year schedule for breaks
  • Move recess back to after 3rd period (period 1, PLT, period 2, break)
  • Have PLT last on Thursday (x2)
  • Maybe move the PLT later in the day, so that homework assigned earlier can be tackled
  • Don’t make it first come first serve because some rooms fills up too fast x2)
  • I guess the biggest thing is you need to get to a teacher and I can’t get into that block
  • Maybe let the students study outside in the hallways, spare room etc so they don’t worry about classes getting filled up
  • Use more space (i.e. empty classrooms) to increase possible access to help.
  • Move it a Wednesday because it’s the middle of the week and most projects are usually do at the end of the week so it will help us finish work
  • Increase to 2 days per week and move it to Tuesday and Wednesday so you can have it day 1 and day 2 (x10)
  • Have PLT earlier in the week so that things can be done early such as group projects where it was difficult to meet over the weekend.  Easier to meet and figure things out earlier in the week.
  • If only one per week, move it earlier.  But, if twice per week, it would be better.
  • 3 times a week


  • 2 times on Monday and Thursday (Monday one longer and Thursday one shorter) (x3)
  • Move to Monday so we’re more productive.  By Thursday we’re tired
  • Instead of staying in one class, move around to another class so I can work on two things. Be able to switch halfway through (30-5-30) (x4)
  • More time – longer than 1hr
  • Usually we can only go to our own teachers, if we are allowed to go to other teachers we could spend some free time and decide if we want to take it next year (x3)
  • Change attendance to maybe the rotunda. Allow us to see different teachers during PLT.
  • Lock all the doors so people don’t skip
  • Maybe let the students study outside in the hallways, spare room etc so they don’t worry about classes getting filled up
  • One whole day of PLT
  • Have PLT first block so finish work that is due for the day so you can be prepared for the day
  • Go back to last year break time (period 1, PLT, period 2, then break)
  • 2 breaks in the morning on PLT days (period 1, break, PLT, period 2,break, period 3, lunch, last block)
  • PLT everyday for half an hour or 45 mins or even 1 hour everyday
  • If computers are all full in library, we should be able to go to Mr. Hoffman or Ms. Basi.
  • Teachers offering mini tutorials for all areas
  • Science teachers could run some labs that will be enjoyable and provide an interesting learning experience



  1. Describe the purpose of core competencies and how they have been included in your classes.
  • Communication – learn how to communicate, important for life
    • Group work, presentations, discussions, asking questions, participating and engaging in lessons
  • Creative thinking – Finding solutions efficiently, generating ideas
    • English (visual essay, writing, etc.), Art, Math (problem solving, projects)
  • Critical thinking – visualizing, personal planning
    • Math , Socials, English (analyzing, brainstorming), CAD (designing 3D models)
  • Positive Personsal and Cultural Identity
    • English, Socials (finding out what speaks to you), Law
  • Personal Awareness & Responsibility –
    • Planning, PE
  • Social Responsibility
    • Socials (learning about cultures, other peoples views), Leadership (volunteering at events), English (going through other media, other people’s beliefs)
  • To help you in the future to become a better person
  • Prepare us for the world to be successful in jobs. We experienced critical thinking when coming up with hypotheses in science
  • To see if we are actually coming up with ideas on your own
  • It’s about skills that you need for life
  • For ways to see how we learn
  • Make us know what’s best for us to be able to do work.  To reflect on how we learn (x2)
  • Reflect on what you have learned in the past terms.  Used in it foods with Ms. Chang in reflections.
  • In SS (Ollek), teacher is intentionally trying to use the language of CC.
  • Paukov has mentioned CCs.
  • Not many teachers are including them
  • SS: Some projects are using rubrics that make reference to creative thinking
  • Ardat: Rubrics have reference to Creative Thinking.
  • Highlights of your past year of learning.
  • They can be good-teachers don’t spend a lot of time talking about them. There’s a poster, and every once in a while, they will say ‘hey, we’re doing critical thinking’, not frequently. Filling out sheets is the only time we talk about it – don’t really bring it up at all.
  • Filling in reflection sheets is not helpful – teachers ask us to copy down what they put on the board
  • Self-assessment and goal setting would be more helpful
  • You don’t really notice it but you naturally use it.  We use it all the time.  We are using communication right now for this focus group.
  • Learn how to communicate with others
  • Group work is used so that we can improve our communication skills
  • Communication in drama
  • Writing English essays to improve communication
  • Use it for portfolio posts
  • We use critical thinking in math (x2)
  • We have make connections with the real world in math class


  • Worked on hard trig problem that used critical thinking to help us think harder.
  • For parents to see what we’re doing
  • Connect what we learn in different classes to the core competencies skills
  • Core competencies do not help students because I don’t see people talking about it.  No one [teachers] are doing it except for Ms. Chang.  Teachers do it when we have to
  • Some classes it’s been shoved down my throat. 
  • Teachers do not seem to be excited talking about core competencies
  • Ms. Yu talks about it and makes connections that we are working on ___ skills for a certain project.
  • There is low key talking about
  • Whatever we do in classes, we don’t remember the core competencies we just write them down what we learn- but it’s useless (many students struggled with this question)
  • In socials and English we work on communication because we work on projects and presentations
  • Math has critical thinking.  Not balanced in all classes
  • In socials we use webs and share ideas where we use critical thinking and communication. 
  • Used in science where we tag the CC and write reflections for projects
  • To show how we are doing like critical thinking in science with lab reports; shows that we are taking our time and thinking. Use in home ec and science: portfolio posts (x4)
  • Home Ec: show how we improved and what we need to improve; SC: write what we learned
  • Instead of letter grade, they tell you what to work on
  • To train us for real life – if writing a resume you want to show critical thinking and creativity; be able to share what we are good at
  • CCs are there to reflect on what we did throughout the year, helps us review everything we did – not just the things we did in class; sometimes teachers talk about how we need to remember them, teachers may point out “this is communication” or “this is critical thinking” (x2)
  • I think most of the time it’s the basis of classes – esp. foods. It helps you reflect what you are doing right and not doing right. For ex. If someone is really good at written work or projects, but not good at interacting or asking for help. That’s where CCs come in like communication. If teacher keeps reminding us about CCs, we’ll know what we have to
  • You can use it to reflect on your work
  • I don’t like CCs – kind of a waste of time. I don’t understand the point. I know we have to reflect on our learning, but too much focus on specific categories. I get stumped on what to put down. This year’s reflection sheet was easier. Online is easier, format was easier – no lost sheets
  • I forgot what they are
  • Whatever we do in classes, we don’t remember the core competencies we just write them down what we learn- but it’s useless(many students struggled with this question)
  • I’ve never done that because at my grade, we haven’t done that ever.
  • I write better when I’m typing – so I like online better
  • In French we talk and communicate with each other in French


  1. One of our goals as a school is to make your learning as meaningful as possible through building connections with life outside of school.
    1. With that in mind, how would you describe the purpose of your education?  
  • Help us in the future and be successful(x4)
  • Prepare you in the future.  If you like to do science in the future, you can take science as a basis.  Everything we do can be basis for something in the future. (x3)
  • Prepares us for life – the basics of how to live life; skills like math; some teachers push school too much – start to lose your life; some teachers need to learn that some kids want to enjoy their time while doing school; balance is important
  • Learn from previous mistakes
  • Yes, because school teaches us things like time management, connecting with people, learning from mistakes, arriving on-time
  • Build someone’s social skills and connections (interacting with others)
  • Try many different activities to know where or to find one’s passion or interest
  • There are reasons why we learn things that will help in the future and not because we have to do it.
  • To set you up for life such as dealing with students and teachers.  Learn how to deal with social situations
  • Learning good work habits, adapting and communicating with others
  • Bettering civilization as a whole
  • Learn some values that we can apply in the real world
  • Molds you to be a good citizen in society
  • To go to university/post-secondary (x9)
  • To be productive and finish things on time
  • I think we go to school to learn, helps you find the career and work in whatever you want to be in (x7)
  • To set us up until we get a real job. That’s why we do our subjects. (x6)
  • Opens up a variety of jobs. Not going to have same job for rest of life. Need more than just basic knowledge to get a higher paying job (x2)
  • To get you ready for the outside of school; what you want to do with your life (x4)
  • Planning is the most important class because you learn about budgeting and do in depth about life.  Planning shows us what life can look like for us. Looking at different scenarios of what can happen to us in the future and how to survive if we lost our jobs.  
  • Gives us experience with different fields, helps us figure out what we want to do/be
  • Learning how to do taxes, budgeting, buying stuff
  • English helps you how to write and talk to people
  • In science you learn hazardous signs so you don’t hurt yourself in real life
  • To learn skills to be used in the future such as basic math, science and English that you need.  Need to know how to write letters to your boss and presented in a way that’s formal and professional.
  • Learn different things – helps you decide what you want to be and do
  • A lot of people know what they want to be when they grow up; lots of courses that relate; helps us learn and put us on the right path
  • To shape us into better human beings for the future. Most of the time education comes with etiquette. It gets all of the qualities together that will help us in the future. Need: good role models (x2)
  • To set me up for life. To make sure I succeed and not fail (x3)
  •  To show your mark/average/gpa



    1. Do you find what you are learning meaningful to real life?  


  • Generally speaking, Cambie does a good job at helping us figure out our future.
  • Teachers try to see if you’re struggling and then offer help
  • Teachers try to keep people acting in a kind and respectful way.
  • Planning-type courses are VERY relevant to the real world
  • Not really because jobs needs specific skills, but we don’t do it here. If you’re going to be a janitor you don’t need to learn all these subjects
  • Mostly no because don’t use trig in our daily lives. We don’t’ need to know the big bang theory in our daily lives
  • Maybe? Yes? Because whatever you learn here is reflected in real life.
  • Helps you in real life because you need to know some math if you work at McDonald’s. 
  • Some things are such as math is everywhere.  Computer technology is important in real life.  I don’t think self-flection is useful because it’s boring and I don’t know why I grade myself when someone else can. 
  • Sometimes in the class.  Teachers should be more engaging and give examples of why things are useful.  Do it earlier in beginning of the chapter and not the end
  • Not all of it but some of it- English helps me communicate; Socials is just history- can’t apply to my life
  • Some classes useful some are not; Math, Law and English are useful
  • Yes some classes- Law and English
  • Science and math is important because you use it to buy things.  English is important because you need to write letters and resumes.
  • Choosing electives apply to me in real life because I get to choose an area that I’m interested in
  • Some things are -  some types of math; socials – we’re really far from that – not going to help at the grocery store when trying to buy food – good knowledge but not going to improve life
  • Some course are meaningful – electives: to decide if you want to do that (e.g. deciding if you want to go into computers); SS doesn’t really help
  • Yes – you can apply in the real world (e.g. math for buying, architecture)
  • Some topics are helpful with the career that I have in mind
  • There are some courses that are really useful – some I won’t need for the future; good to have options
  • Yes – in English: need to know how to read and write. Can’t do anything without it
  • Useful: writing, reading comprehension, paragraphs, grammar
  • In English learn useful stuff like writing, but reading about Romeo and Juliet is useless because it’s not teaching us anything and hard to understand
  • Yes – a lot of things you feel like you don’t need to learn, you actually do – like math for going to the store or hosting a party
  • Yes – SS: learn about the past (WW2, dynasties) if they made mistakes, we can learn from them
  • Socials (learning about the world) and English
  • Yes – in HE: if you’re shirt rips you know how to sew it back together
  • SS- learn about different countries; important because if we travel we will know the history
  • Yes – for French: need it for a gov’t job
  • Sometimes – in science, not interested in biology; don’t need to know parts of plants; industrial rev., confederation is a little important; many things won’t be useful in life 20 years from now.
  • I still don’t know what I want to do, so the more I get into it the more I can figure it out. Enhancing my general knowledge
  • It is because I don’t know what I want to do yet, every subject has different specialties/categories – opportunities for different jobs; you can say “I don’t like math” but there are different sections of the subject
  • It is because coming to high school you have a general idea about what you are learning and you get more freedom to learn what you want – will help with post-sec
  • Not all of it but some of it- English helps me communicate; Socials is just history- can’t apply to my life
  • English because I learn how to write
  • Ms. Faryon teaches us how to write essay that are college quality
  • Law class because it’s interesting to learn about our rights
  • Some classes useful some are not; Math, Law and English are useful
  • Yes some classes- Law and English
  • Presentation skills to make good PowerPoint and work on public speaking
  • Some courses don’t help at all some are useful- useless classes Chemistry; Psychology, English and Law are useful in real life
  • Yes- foods, law, and PE are meaningful learning
  • Depends on how you see it; English and essays are useful for university; law and human rights; depends on how a teacher sees it; Chemistry- titrations should be taught in a way that I can apply to my real life
  • Some of them help- career and life; law and planning; others we are getting really confused because in classes like Chemistry we watch videos and are even more confused than we were before
  • Teachers need to have the urge to teach a subject and not just exam you after watching movies
  • Some teachers adapt more than others to their  classes needs while others watch videos and do useless homework
  • Why do we need to use all the formulas in math? Just teach us how to use a calculator. 
  • Math is helpful to figure out taxes or knowing when you’re getting ripped off
  • Yes- foods, law, and PE are meaningful learning
  • Depends on how you see it; English and essays are useful for university; law and human rights; depends on how a teacher sees it; Chemistry- titrations should be taught in a way that I can apply to my real life; Math- student teacher- patterns learning- taught in a way that we can apply to our learning- real life experiences
  • Depending on your interest, you can be exposed to topics that I may be interested to pursue in science.
  • Self-defense unit in PE was useful
  • PE not only fun, but also helpful for mental and physical fitness that is important
  • I don’t like to dance in PE and track because I don’t like it
  • Let us decide what to learn and not force us to attend classes we don’t need
  • We are learning stuff that opens us up to future possibilities.  I want to be a police officer, but from learning science I realized the jobs related to science that I would like to consider now
  • Learning banking stuff is helpful
  • Aquarium field trip and hands-on experience in the lab allow what a Marine Biologist does
  • Law Courts field trip allows a first-hand look at what people within the law system do.



4c. What are we doing well and what could we improve on to make school more relevant?

  • Little bit more of everyday/real world tasks/responsibilities (taxes, budgets, loans, credit cards)
  • We don’t teach some basic life skills (interviews, taxes)
  • In Math, too much time of algebra and not enough time spent of personal finances
  • Learning about other cultures like japan in socials
  • Base things on current times/events (relate it on a modern level)
  • Stepping out of comfort zone in drama
  • Teachers should know what kids want to make learning more meaningful.  Provide resources and connections to outside of school
  • Have different styles of teaching because students learning differently.
  • Change the schedule to fit teenage body rhythms
  • Curriculum is getting better (offering more freedom)
  • Using portfolios is a good idea; I also like grades because they show how good we are; for CCs portfolio shows how we can improve – both are good together
  • myBlueprint – gives us an idea of what we want to be when we grow up; improve some teachers – some just read off a book and give homework/show videos (x2)
  • improve: test outlines have questions that you don’t think you’ve learned – curveballs are bad!!
  • I like using the portfolio so you can see how you improved over time
  • I like the portal concept – we can post pictures and write; also log in at home and show parents
  • Some teachers shorten deadlines – makes it stressful when a subject isn’t strongest – teacher uses our time with talking when we want to get down to work.
  • Get rid of hat rule
  • Events (teacher vs student) are fun and helps everyone get to know each other – helps socialize
  • There should be more events or study things in the library for people that have I’s. In the morning. I’m not motivated by myself – I need something extra to keep me motivated to get rid of the I
  • PLT – helps us stay motivated and not fall behind.(x2)
  • Some teachers are down/want to help us
  • Some teachers are very helpful when needed
  • iPad carts are good- technology
  • Effort to help students to do finish homework and succeed
  • Some teachers are helpful; Cambie’s hearing our opinions
  • Counselling can be improved- dealing with personal problems and how to help and get advice from counsellors
  • Counselling and more engaged teachers
  • Some teachers are not engaging; some don’t care about whether we understand and just continue to teach
  • More technology and VR.  Ms. Masaki doesn’t go by the book and makes it more fun with the virtual tour project.
  • More active learning where we move around and not sit at desks
  • More opportunity to talk with friends in class about the subject and what you’re learning
  • Commons is helpful.  Teachers are helpful when students ask for help.  Very supportive. (x3)
  • Give less homework.  More in class work so you can help each other and don’t stress at home.
  • More projects because working in groups is an amazing part of learning.  Working in small groups allow us to talk and work together to do complete the task.  Learning together is more helpful. 
  • Self-directed projects on how to deliver the final product.
  • Later start time so we can sleep in and get enough rest. Take 5 minutes off every block and have a 20 mins later start time.
  • Make in class assignments more fun and entertaining
  • Give more time to process before writing tests.  Sometimes the unit finishes very quickly and a test is done right away
  • Collaboration days are helpful – stay up late to finish work, rest is helpful
  • Different electives: guitar, mechanics, metal work
  • More languages
  • Cafeteria – more choices and lower prices
  • Bathrooms need to be looked after more – TP, door locks
  • Equipment in weight room needs to be wiped down more
  1. Many teachers at Cambie have changed to a way of assessing learning using a proficiency scale and portfolios instead of marks and report cards. In this approach, students are given feedback on their learning using words like emerging, developing, proficient, and extending on a learning map. In many cases, much of students’ work is for practice and term evaluations are based on the growth that students have shown during the term.
    1. If you have had experience with this approach how has it benefitted your learning?
  • One class is fully into this grading.  Good idea and let’s a teacher actually see how one is growing and learning as a student.
  • Rubrics allow us to know exactly what we are expected to do.
  • Not a grade, so we don’t feel as bad compared to grades (i.e. proficient versus B or C)
  • Parents don’t seem to understand the scales.
  • If you want to re-do, the scales provide feedback on how to improve…but some teachers who don’t use scales, also provide feedback.
  • FEEDBACK is important always.
  • I feel it is a little more like Elementary…it‘s more descriptive.
  • E-portfolios are great to look back at your older work.
  • Also, e-portfolios can see process, not just product.
  • Portfolio allows for a record of one’s learning over time.
  • Others can see your learning (parents, friends)
  • It can help you improve more to what you need.  I still prefer percentages marks because I know if I’m passing or not. 
  • Instead of wondering why you did something wrong with a percent, you can see what you’re doing wrong and can see how you can fix it using the words on the learning map
  • You actually get to see what you did good in
  • Gives you feedback; if you are emerging you can see that and improve
  • More feedback when you are doing really poor on homework or tests
  • Journey of process to finished product.
  • Rubrics can give more feedback, and not always have a feedback.
  • More personalized feedback/comments.
  • Student-conferences and rubrics would be more effective if feedback was much more detailed
  • With the conference you can make your mark higher by describing learning to see how I improved
  • Don’t see number or grade, see highlighted spot and what to improve; numbers are set in stone
  • More feedback rather than numbers
  • Easier to set goals based on highlights
  • More effective than letter grades
  • I prefer prof scale. Gives a lot more information. Can focus and reflect on what I can improve. Percents are a done deal
  • More focus on the skills and less focus on grades.  Less worry on marks and more focus on getting better skills
  • Easier to tell me what I need to work on to improve in science.
  • For developing, I can see that there is room for growth and to improve.
  • When I write essays, it points out when I need to correct so I don’t make the mistakes again


  • When you get a percent you forget about doing anything about it. With PS you get a whole description of how you are doing and what you can improve. It helps you go along.
  • We’ve used it once or twice and has helped me- I know where I‘m at but sometimes it doesn’t
  • Math- discuss mark so not just set- mark adapted with learning skill
  • Whole term you know where you are at- good way at marking
  • Beneficial if student being shown scale- so how are we supposed to know how we can improve; how do we know it’s not biased
  • Don’t find it different that a letter grade.  Another way of using letters.  Make students feel better compared to letter grades.
  • More chance of being biased because you don’t know how high or low in emerging or proficient.  With percentages you know how close you are to passing or getting a B.
  • Comments and feedback helps you to improve when you look on the portal.
  • Socials, but I don’t know where I’m at using the words.  Still confusing how it’s used. 
  • It would be easier if we started with this model instead of switching over because people don’t understand and don’t like change
  • I like percents because you can’t understand if it’s good or bad
  • Have percentages so we know where we are at – I just prefer
  • I like percents because you can get emerging on one part and extending on another so I don’t know how I did overall; but I get more info on what to improve (x3)
  • Still prefer traditional grading scheme
  • Feels ‘pretentious’
  • Focuses more on where you should improve rather than assigning a specific grade
  • Feels pointless
  • Easier to how much I need to do improve with percentages compared to using learning maps
  • I don’t like the prof scale. As much as it tells me where I’m at, I feel like a percent is easier because I know the exact percent and what I need to do to get higher. Maybe both scale and percent
  • Don’t like PS. Like %. Ask teacher what’s my percent, ask how to boosts
  • In elementary school comments would say what to improve on; so we still had that info
  • It tells you details of what to improve on, some people don’t like grades and prof scale is more descriptive
  • Less competitive
  • Before you do an assignment, you know what you need to do to get extending
  • I don’t like portfolios because it takes too much time



Updated: Thursday, December 2, 2021