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Peer Tutoring Application Form

Prerequisite: Good work habits. Excellent personal and social responsibility skills. Demonstrated maturity and thoughtfulness in working with staff and students in school.  Potential students are required to this online application form for Peer Tutoring.  Upon acceptance, your counsellor will help you to replace an elective with Peer Tutoring.  Note: Proven record of attendance and lates are heavily considered during the selection process.  Please complete this online application by Friday, February 28th, 2025​.
Objectives: During this course, tutors will develop: leadership skills, self-confidence and self-esteem; an understanding of the teaching and learning process. Students will act as positive role models in support of students, and provide support to teachers and students in their classrooms.

Instruction: Students are expected to be in full attendance in the classroom in which they are serving as a peer tutor. Finding a placement (teacher) to work with will be the responsibility of each student during the first week of September.
Evaluation: Your sponsor teacher will be supervising you in the classroom, monitoring your attendance, assigning you tasks to perform in class, and completing an evaluation checklist prior to each reporting period.  Assignments to promote self-reflection about your growth in the role will be assigned.
PLEASE NOTE: Peer Tutoring is a Grade 12 course. Grade 11s may be considered if there is space. If you are in grade 11, and would like to take this course, please speak to your counsellor. You will be placed on a wait list for this course.